"Justice Prevails: Unraveling the Nirbhaya Case."

"Justice Prevails: Unraveling the Nirbhaya Case."

"Justice Prevails: Unraveling the Nirbhaya Case."

On the dark and cold night of 16th December 2012, a 23-year old woman was brutally assaulted & gang-raped in a moving bus in South Delhi. Jyoti Singh, victim, a 23-year old female physiotherapy intern who was a medical student was beaten, gang-raped & tortured on 16th December 2012 in Munirka while she was traveling with her friend, Awindra Pratap Pandey. History And Facts of The Case The victim & her friend were returning home after watching the movie named Life of Pi on the night of 16 December 2012. They after watching the movie walked on an off-duty charter bus at Munirka Bus Stand in which there were already 6 other men including the bus driver. The bus which had yellow and green lines/stripes and the word YADAV was written on it which was bound to Dwarka-Palam Road but the bus started moving in an off-route direction and the men shut the doors of the vehicle. Suspecting something wrong, when the friend of the victim raised an obligation, he was shouted down and a confused fight broke out as the drunk men started molesting the victim. Victim's friend was knocked down with an Iron Rod and the men dragged the victim to the back of the bus & repeatedly gang-raped the victim over an hour. As the victim fought back, one of the juvenile attackers inserted an Iron Rod into the private parts of the victim while pulling & ripping her intestines apart. While this was happening the bus-driver drove the bus all-over Delhi after the attack, both of them were thrown out of the bus to die at the side of the road. The victim & his friend were found half-dead by the road by a passerby person who informed the Delhi Police. Immediately while the police reached the victim was taken to the Safdarjung Hospital where doctors found she had only 5 % of her Intestine left inside the body. The victim was failed to resist her injuries on 29 December 2012 and died at Mt.Elizabeth Hospital, Singapore with the cause of death - sepsis with multiple organ failure following multiple injuries. In her statement of her Dying Declaration, the victim said she wanted justice against the 6 attackers namely: Ram Singh, Mukesh Singh, Akshay Thakur, Pawan Gupta, Vinay Sharma, and the juvenile. What happened to the Attackers? All the 6 men in the Nirbhaya Rape Case including the juvenile were convicted by the court. Ram Singh, the bus driver committed suicide in Tihar Jail during the trial on 11 March 2013. The Minor was tried separately in a Juvenile Court and given the maximum sentence of 3 years imprisonment in a Reform Facility. On 2013, September the trial court awarded Capital Punishment to Mukesh, Akshay, Pawan and Vinay. Subsequently, the 3 convicts except Akshay had sought Review of the judgment which was dismissed further. The order on the Review Petition filed by Akshay was dismissed by the Supreme Court on 18 December 2019. The 4 convicts, who got the Death Penalty for the gang rape & murder of a 23-year-old medical student in Delhi named NIRBHAYA by the media more than 7 years ago, will be hanged on 3 March 2020 at 6 a.m. This is the 3rd Death Warrant issued by the court. The 2 earlier Death Warrants could not be carried out as the convicts took it in turn to use every legal option available to them. This Death Warrant was issued after the Tihar Jail Authorities informed the Trial Court that 3 of the 4 convicts have exhausted all legal options and none of them have any correspondence pending at the moment which still leaves one convict namely Akshay Singh who has not filed a Curative Petition or Mercy Plea to the President which later the President refused. They have also exhausted the 1 week allowed by the High Court to exercise all their legal option & will need to go to the top court for the extension. Present Scenario The Supreme Court on 19 March 2020 upheld the Delhi High Courts sentence verdict on the 4 Nirbhaya Rape Case saying that it is a 'rarest of the rare' crime which shook the conscience of a Nation ad the Supreme Court rejected the Mercy Plea of 4 convicts and upheld the Deathy sentence of the 4 convicts on 20 March 2020 at 6 a.m. Conclusion:- After the Nirbhaya Rape Case, where a woman was brutally raped solely because she was out late at night and was enjoying her life and freedom our Government has although taken steps to improve the condition but it has not helped the woman much but still, the Nirbhaya Rape Case known to be the most horrific case of a crime against women in the history of India has a lasting impact on the Nation.